Taken from The Life And Times Of Robert Emmet by R. R. Madden. This proclamation, authored by William James MacNeven, was written in the belief that a French invasion of Ireland was imminent.

Friends and countrymen – The hour of your emancipation is at length arrived. We announce to you allies and arms, which will enable you to throw off the English yoke. An auxiliary force of – thousand of those illustrious warriors, who have repeatedly triumphed over our enemies, with arms to equip – thousand Irishmen, as valiant as even those warriors. These are the ample means that are offered to you for redressing the wrongs, and asserting the independence of your country. United brethren, who have maintained, even in servitude, the dignity of freemen, by gallant, though unsuccessful, struggle, against the tyranny of George III, we do not at this day presume to inflame your valour. Could courage alone give independence to your country, you would long since have made it free; but, when virtue was unavailing to break its fetters, it was, at least, preserved, by your magnanimous daring, from dishonour. Placed in the dreadful alternative of resigning yourselves to despotism, or contending with its power, you proved to the world that the most intolerable evil to Irishmen is slavery.

A consolatory task awaits you now, you will meet the foe with advantage equal to his own. On the ruins of what he acquired by oppression, rapine, and bloodshed, you will establish the happiness of millions, and you will rescue from provincial degradation the exalted character of your country.

Cited to the field by your wrongs and by your sufferings, by the forlorn exile of your friends, and by the unexpiated murders of your relations; with the sword of liberty in your hands, and the spirit of independence in your hearts, what can your enemies avail against your sacred cause and ardent enthusiasm. Another effort of national energy, made in conjunction with our victorious allies, will annihilate a calamitous domination, and establish for ever the glory and welfare of Ireland.

Countrymen of all descriptions! Where has England triumphed that ye have not bled for her victory; where is she famed that you partake not of her renown? The French army comes with positive orders to act as an auxiliary force to the Irish nation, its government; but what is stronger than every other pledge, you are called on, countrymen! to embody, without delay, an Irish army, under the command of Irish officers, who shall be commissioned by the Irish government, and thus to take into your own hands your fate, your honour, and your country.