Welcome to Cartlann
A free and accessible archive of Irish literary works.
We host one of the largest collections of Irish historical material available online.
Our collection encompasses all periods of Irish history, and includes a wide range of political, economic, cultural, literary and historical works.

The New Evangel
James Connolly
An early pamphlet collecting five of Connolly’s previous essays from Workers’ Republic.

The Re-Conquest of Ireland
James Connolly
A socialist manifesto arguing that Ireland’s freedom from foreign rule requires an economic revolution.

Labour, Nationality, and Religion
James Connolly
Explores the Catholic Church’s relation to English colonialism in Ireland.
- Arthur Griffith: Sinn Féin’s TheoristThe following are quotes from our extensive collection of Arthur Griffith’s writings from his earliest editorials to his final testament. One of the most prolific Irish journalists of his time and a founding father of the early Irish state, his writings are of very great interest to those researching the early Sinn Féin movement.
- November 2023 UpdateOver the past year, some new and significant changes have been made to the site’s design. In brief, they are as follows: HOME PAGE TEXTS FORMATTING CLÓ GAELACH Notes: LIGHT MODE Note: The background image changes with the setting. PDFs Note: The ‘Contents’ section contains hyperlinks which will lead you directly to each chapter directly. Or, alternatively, you can click on ‘Document outline’ on the top-left of the page. AN CHARTLANN.
- An Craoibhín Aoibhinn: The Thought of Douglas Hyde‘The work of Douglas Hyde will live after him. It is not now possible that Irish can die, as but for him it would most assuredly have died. Even should it become extinct as a spoken language, reams of Irish literature have been preserved which but for Hyde would have perished.’ – An Craoibhin Aoibhinn, Diarmuid Coffey, 1917.
Chapter XXII
On hearing that he had been summoned to Tlachtga, the Historian placed a motor-car at his service, and gave him a letter for the Princess, and one for Sorcha. Schliemann was not surprised to find that the young man who had driven him to Tlachtga on his first visit to that palace was again his…
America and Ireland—Farmers’ Demands
As a general rule we refrain from taking notice in our columns of the quarrels or discussions of the Socialist parties of the world.
Compositors and the Linotype
We have ere now pointed out in the columns of the Workers’ Republic that the ordinary capitalist press can find time and space in its pages to chronicle anything and everything, except those matters which are of the most importance to the wealth producers.
Home Thrusts, 23rd September 1899
The land for the people! A splendid rallying cry, a fine old wheeze.
Home Thrusts, 9th September 1899
Rebel Cork! Well, well, who’d have thought it?
The Re-Conquest of Ireland
The movement in favour of the direct employment of labour by the County Councils, established under the Local Government Act, has scarcely attracted as much public attention as it deserves.