Tyrones book of grevances

xxiii tio Decembr 1597

Having sondrie tymes heretofore exhibited in wrytinge, aswell to Sir Edward Moore knight, (who was firste appointed to examyne the orygynall of the disorders in Ulster) as also unto severall commissioners sithence authorised, both to heare the same, and to take order for redresse of them, the perticularities, and causes, that enforced me to absent myself from comynge to the State, as I was wonte onlie for the safetie of my lyfe, which was indirectlie sought for by her maiesties badd officers, in suborning and interteigninge false accusacions of treason, that were laied unto my charge by Sir Henry Bagenall and others his confederates, my enemyes, who havinge not longe before ymbrued their handes with the blood of Hugh Roe MacMahon, as to all sortes is knowne (whereof ensued theis troubles, that are not yet appeased) thought to haue me in like snare. And in asmuche also as my former exhibitinge of complaintes, did nothinge at all prevayle me, but instedd of the redresse, which I expected, I felt allwayes the vehemencie of moste violent prosecucion, which enduced me to conceave no hope, of being ever hereafter, receaved into her maiesties favour, as through dispare, I loste all the copies that I had of the severall most iniurious practises used against me, yet nowe understandinge, that her maiesty hath aucthorysed your lordship to be lord lieutenaunte generall of all her maiesties fforces within this realme, and hathe with all geven you full power for hearinge and determynynge, all the disorders of Ulster, and other partes of Irelande; I have therefore, and upon confidence, to receave at your lordships handes, that measure of justice (which heatherto I founde not thought good soe farre forthe as my memory may serve me) to call to mynde a colleccion of the particularities of my greffes, aswell againste the marshall, as also declaring the not performance of promyses, made unto me, in the late lord generall Norreys his time, as hereafter ensueth. By which it will plainelie appeare, howe hardelie I was delte withall and howe untruly I was accused, with combynynge with any forriner protesting before God, that untill, after I was proclaymed, and after speaches had, with Capten St Leger, Capten Stafford, and Capten Warren, when her highnes army made their firste invasion againste me, and that I was then refused of any favor, I never receaved any message, or ought else, either by worde or wrytinge from the kinge of Spayne. Neither did I in like sorte (before that tyme) ever sende unto him. And for the more manyfestacion hereof, the first letter which I receaved from the kinge of Spaine, and delivered the same to Capten Warren upon his faithfull promyse, that (soe soone as the lord general Norreys had a view thereof,) the letter should be returned unto me, without taking somuche as a copie thereof which was not performed for that the letter is sithence detayned and no mencion of any former dealinges betwene his maiestie and me.

Moreover, albeit, that in my submission I have acknowledged myself to have falne from my duetie towards her maiestie, without incerting in the same, the causes that forced me thereunto. Yet I proteste before God, that I never opposed myselfe againste her highness of any wilful intente to offend her. But the course helde againste Maguyre, as in the articles against the Marshall is mencioned and the brybes that the Marshall gave to Sir William Fitzwilliam, beinge then Lord Deputie, did so worke againste me, and interested hym, so deepelie in his lordships favour, as betwene them bothe (with their false accusinge of me with articles of treason, and other treacherous meanes) they had dispatched me, as they did Hugh Roe MacMahon, had I not absented my selfe for safetie of my onelie lyfe. Sithence which tyme I have seene into, and have harde of others the indirect dealinges, used, againste the Irish of Ireland heretofore, which geveth me no lesse cause, to looke to my safetie. The which I will (which in convenient tyme,) amonge other matters sett downe at large unto your lordship. And therefore I beseche your honour to beleve of me, that the said causes and matters which shalbe rehearsed hereafter, did dryve me by degree to absente my selfe, whereof all theis troubles have growne and not any willfull entente to offende her maiesty.

Item before the earle of Tyrone was proclamed, he wrote to the lord deputie and councell, desyringe that the causes which were receaved against hym myght be examyned and tryed, before he weore putt into the uttermost degree of disloyaltie. And the marshall to prevent therle of all favor did intercept the messenger, by the way and stayed his letters, untill the Earle was proclamed. He did not enlargde the messenger, untill he gave xii li sterling, for his enlardgement, whereas, yf he had suffred his letters then to have paste to the lord deputy, therle assureth himself, he had not byne proclamed.

Item, the Lord Threasorer of Englande being a greate friend to the said Sir William Fitzwilliams and the Marshall, did, as therle is crediblie enformed, suppresse and counceale from her maiesty, suche articles of greffe, as sondrie tymes he exhibited to severall commissioners, which could not have byne knowne to her highnes, if by his meanes the contrary had not byne wrought. And also as therle understandeth, the lord Thresorer wrote letters over to cutt therle of, by eny meanes.

Hugh Tirone

Item firste, havinge brought to her maiesties obedience, without any great charges to her highnes, all the Clandeboyes, McCartans countrey, Kilyltagh, Kilvarlin, Ohanlons country, and all the McMahownes country. The same was no sooner don; but the rule of them was taken from me, and geven to myne Enemye the marshall, who beinge not contented to enioye the sweete of my services; was the onelie undermyner of me, from tyme to tyme by all the meanes he could.

Item in the tyme of the government of Sir William Fitzwilliams after the moste shamefull executinge of Hugh Roe McMahon, the Marshall havinge bribed the said Sir William, by gevinge him certen plate; of what value, I doe not nowe remember, though in former wrytinges, I have laied downe the same, did either enterteigne others, or did him selfe, accuse me at Dondalke, when the saide Lord Deputie and Councell weare there, of sondrie articles of treason, and procured base men, of none accompt from Carrickfergus, the fforte of Blackewater, and the Nury to prove the same. And also the constable of the Blackewater did apprehende a prieste of myne inhabitance to make matter, against me, which prieste being rescued from him by a nephewe of myne, who then slewe some, of the lord deputies men, I caused to be sente to Dondalke where I was myself, without eny assurance, or proteccion, to justefye myself against those accusacions.

Item upon thentringe into accion of Maguyre, by reason of the soddaine sendinge into his countrey of 3 or 4 hundreth souldiers, under couller of a sheryf, the now Lord Chancellor came to Ardie to joyne the marshall and me together, to serve against Maguyre. Whereupon I was contented to forgett all old matters, betwene hym and me, and to joyne with him onlie, for that Maguyre brake with me, in not comynge to the state, as he promised me, he wold: And to that ende, did enterteigne upon my owne charges, oone thowsand ffootemen, besides horsemen and wente againste Maguyre, not knowinge whether the commission was absolutelie, for the marshall, or whether I was named therein or not, but (as I hard) I was named in the commission, till the marshall putt me out. And being in campe a certen distance from the others, the marshall, devising some myschief againste me, cawsed a false larowne to be raysed in his campe, to take me at some advantage, which I answered more readilie, that that were with hym. And afterwards I, with my company did set foreward, to overtake some prayes, for the victualinge of the Armye, and desyred the Marshall, to sende parte of the Armye with me, and that he with the reste of them, wolde within two nights after, mete me at a certen place, then prefixed betwene us for the reliefe of my company, who were not hable, through overmuche travayle to be watchefull. He sente with me, but a smale nomber of men, of the refuse of his companies, exceptinge a feawe officers, and came not hymselfe till the third night after, to the metinge place, soe as by this, he lefte us open to the enemy, and by thother he sought matter to accuse me.

Item in the overthrowe against Maguyre at Bellycke, which had not byne done, as yt was, but by my meanes, wherein I was myself hurte, I shewed to the Marshall, the letters which I wrote to the lord deputie and councell touchinge the same to thende, that as we accorded in the service, soe theire might be a correspondency in our wrytinge, concernynge the declaracion of the manner, and circumstances thereof. And in my letters I commended him as havinge slayne some of Thenemyes with his owne handes, though not as manye as he wold have me to name, who promised, to write favourable of me in his letters. Which he did not, but without makinge mencion of me, or of any of myne, he did seeke the creditt of the service to himselfe, in asmuche as I had no thanks for the same, neither since that tyme, did the councell vouchsafe to wryte to me to serve against Maguyre, but rather the Lord Deputie called me in open audience at his owne table a connynge traytor.

Item, whereas I brought direccion out of England, to the Lord Deputy and Councell that I shold be satisfied of the some of 88 li sterling, which I lent unto Sir Rosse MacMahon knight, and that also my daughter, who was his wife, shold have her marriage goods, out of his countrey, or ells the third parte thereof in liewe of her dowerye. Notwithstandinge that I made sute for the same, sondrie tymes, yet I could never obteine the same, or so muche justice at their handes.

As for many causes of grefe which have bene geven me by Sir William Fitzwilliams, and the Marshall, with their associates, whereof I do not nowe remember, I referre myself to suche articles, as heretofore I have exhibited unto former commyssioners. Most humblie besechinge your lord to cause searche to be made for them, and to have regard of me, whoe am distessed, by occasion of theis forehearsed practises, of my mallicious enemyes, as justice may be executed and myselfe to be receaved into her maiesties former good likinge, in all which I beseche your lord to be a humble suter for mee.

Item, nowe in this laste truce, concluded betwene the right honorable Lord Lievetenante Gennerall and me, the Marshalls men by his owne direccion, murthered xxiiii of Magenys his men whoe were founde asleepe within a house, and cutt of all their heades: havinge in tyme of warres, done no harme, not the killing of one man and hath 3 or 4 bodrages of myne upon this truce. Wherin I assure my self the Lord Leivetenant Gennerall will take sufficient order.

Hugh Tirone

The matters and causes, wherin Therle of Tyrone was broken withall, in such proceedinges as paste betwene the Lord Generall Norreys and hym.

First of all, at my first treatie with the Lord Gennerall Norreys I was promysed, that the truce then made should be iustelie and truelie observed. Whereupon I delyvered in my pledges for the contynuacion thereof on my side: yet not withstandinge I was broken withall, and thruste into a disloyall course agayne.

Secondlie upon my next treatie with Capten St Leger and Capten Warren, whoe were those that paste betwene the Lord Generall and me, I was likewise promysed, that the truce sholde be better observed and that commyssioners shold be appointed, for hearing and determyninge eny wronges, that weare comytted againste me in the tyme of truce. And when upon due examinacion thereof taken by the commissioners. Yt was apparantlied founde that I was wronged, and annoyed many wayes, and that under their handes writinge, they ordered me to have present restituccion, yet the same was not onelie deteyned from mee; but, I was forced out againe, to be upon my keepinge, and to live in that degree of disgrace which I detested.

Thirdlie, whereas for performance of theies former truces on my side, I putt in my pledges, at the expyracion of every three monthes, and that course to be contynued, untill the Lord Gennerall myght obteine their particular names, and then a thorough peace to be concluded, yet contrary to all my pledges, are, as yet deteyned in the castle of Dublin.

Fowrthie upon a further conclusion made with the Lord Generall wherin I was more throughlie dealt withall, I was to putt in other pledges of greater waight for my loyaltie, which I performed accordinglie, and sente in such pledges, as the Lord Generall himself demaunded, as namelie the sonnes of both my brothers and they likewise were promysed, for their more ease to be exchaunged, every three monethes, for other pledges, who nevertheless are likewise deteyned in the Castle of Dublin, contrary to all promises, And yt appeareth by the Lord Generalls letter of the xix of September 1596 that the pledges, were to be exchauged, for that he promysed to send my pledges, which he had at Dondalke by Capten Warren, to be exchaunged for other pledges.

Fyftlie I was promysed that Feagh Mac Hugh should be receaved into her Maiesties favour, as I was my selfe, yet nevertheless he hath byne prosecuted ever since, untill he was slayne, which breach of promise hath bred a wonderfull feare, and discontentment in all the Irishrie.

Sixtelie, when upon the laste conclusion made with his lordship and the commissioners, I assured myself that there wold be a good, and through truce, observed, like as it was then faithfully promysed, yet nevertheless I was daylie, and contynuallie, spoyled. And though I estsones complayned, thereof to the Lord Generall, yet I had no restitution, as was well knowne to his lord and the captens that alwayes passed betwene his lord and me, insomuche as he fyndinge himself somwhat touched in honor, in that my pledges laye in, and that I had no satisfaccion for the harmes I susteyned, wrate to me with in a forthnight after, I sholde have all my pledges, which was neither performed. And albeit I am of opinion, that the Lord Generall (yf he were not overruled by the Lord Deputie) wold have taken better order, yet in whomsover the fault was, I have occasion to saye, that no regarde was had, of the performance of her maiesties worde, which her officers paste to me, from tyme to tyme, or of the equitie of my causes. By reason of which breaches, I stande in greate doubte, of the not performynge of what shalbe nowe concluded upon, betwene the Lord Lievetenante Generall and me, through the overthwartnes of the Lords Justices, both the said Lords Generalls aucthorytie, being (as I thincke) alike.

Hugh Tirone

Whereas, I, Hugh Erle of Tyrone, have exhibited before the right honorable, Therle of Ormonde, and Ossorye Lord Lievetenante Generall of her maiesties forces, asysted with the lord bushop of Meath and Sir Geffrey Fenton knight, two of her highnes prive councell, certen articles of greefe aswell towchinge myselfe as other joyned with me, of sondry abuses don againste us. Now calling to remembrance, more to like effecte, which partelie I understood, since I was proclamed, have thought good to joine the same to the firste, leavinge out therein (which are sett downe in Odonells booke) many abuses don againste Conaght men by Sir Richard Byngham.

The harde and indirecte dealinge, againste Maguyre in placinge extorcious sheryfs upon him, proclayminge hym traytor, wastinge his countrey, without just cause.

Item my manifold good services don her maiestie not regarded or made knowne to her highnes: and my reward, at the handes of Sir William Fitzwilliams, for my service, againste Maguyre was that he called me a Connynge Traytor, at his owne table openlie.

The indirecte attainder and execucion of Hugh Roe MacMahon by Sir William Fitzwilliams, grounded upon mallice, and not upon eny just cause, his landes and countrey devided, some geven the merchaunts and some to souldiers.

Item, the murderinge of Sir Brian Mac Phelym and Rowry Oge Mc Quyllyn.

Item OReylie, his countrey devided, extortious shreyffes and other officers therein placed.

Item the late ORowrke wrongefully banyshed and executed with like banyshment of McWilliam and his countrey devided.

Item ODowdie shamefully murdered without eny punishment thereof.

Item O Connor Sligoe his landes indirectlie kept from hym.

Item the nowe Odonnell, in the tyme of peace, indirectlie and treacherouslie taken and kept of longe tyme in pryson his countrey ruynated and wasted.

Item the most shamefull murder of John Bourke, his landes geven to the murtherer and his sonne nowe begginge.

Item the wrongefull banyshment of Ever Mc Cowlie out of the Ferney by John Talbott.

Item therle of Clancartie made a mere begger.

Item the late Erle of Desmond (his sonne beinge in for pledge) was wrongefully urged to rebellion and pursued to death, his said sonne disinheryted being her maiesties godson, and all his landes and livinge bestowed uppon Englishmen with like banyshment of many good gentlemen of that countrey, together with the Moores and Conners extyrped and theire landes devided amonge others.

Item, all Leinster devided on others.

Item, the viscounte Baltinglass urged for his conscience to rebellion, banyshed the countrey and his landes bestowed on others.

Item, the feaue that lived of the Moores and Conners, having pardon and then quiet subiects, were one daye moste shamefully murdered at a place called Molloughmaste.

Item, divers good gentlemen of the Englishe Pale, in Lord Grayes government, attainted and executed, for supposed treason, upon the witnes of a raskall horseboy and protested traytor, their landes and goods taken for forefeicture.

Fynally, all countreys wasted by thextorcions, exaccions and badd usadge of soildiors, and officers, havinge to helpe the same, ymposicions and composicons. And not unlike shortely to be depopulated and ruynated and devided betwene councellors, lawyers and hungrie clarkes of courtes. All which with many more like abuses and villanies hath urged me, witch suche as joyned with me to feare the like measure, to be don against us, and therefore, to have a care of our lives. Most humblie prayinge your lordship to acquainte her maiestie herewith for wee assure ourselves, all theis abuses were committed without her maiesties privitie consent or aucthoritie. And in your soe doinge wee hope her highnes will use speedie remedie in grauntinge us our juste and lawfull requestes.

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud MS (Miscellaneous) 612, ff.55-9