Naċ ait an nós so ag mórċuid d’ḟearaiḃ Éireann,
D’at go nó le mórtus maingléiseaċ,
Gioḃ tais a dtreoir ar ċóbaiḃ gallaċléire,
Ní ċanaid glór aċt gósta garḃḃéarla.
Mairg atá gan béarla binn
Ar dteaċt an iarla go hÉirinn;
Ar feaḋ mo ṡaoġail ar ċlár Ċuinn
dán ar béarla doḃéaruinn.
How queer this mode assumed by many men of Erin,
With haughty, upstart ostentation lately swollen,
Though codes of foreign clerks they fondly strive to master,
They utter nothing but a ghost of strident English.
Woe to him who cannot simper English,
Since the Earl hath come across to Erin;
So long my life upon Conn’s plain continues,
I’d barter all my poetry for English.