From Nationality, October 30, 1915.

The ‘New York American’ publishes the official report of the German Law Courts on the atrocities committed on Germans by the soldiers of the Allies. The witnesses whose affidavits are reproduced are German soldiers and civilians, Dutch civilians, and Luxembourg civilians. Unlike the ‘report’ on German atrocities given to the world by the English, evidence only of those who swear they were actual eye-witnesses of the atrocities alleged is accepted, and the name of the witness is in every case given, and his evidence attested by the Judge and Clerk of the Court. The charges sworn to by German soldiers and civilians, men and women, against the English and French black troops are appalling. The nations who introduced into an European war these Asiatic and African savages, and, in the case of some, cannibals, will stand condemned at the bar of posterity for the worst act ever committed by white men against the white race. The English, it is true, armed the Indians and paid them so much per scalp for the scalps of Americans during the war of the Revolution; but the Indians were on their native heath. Europe, not America, is the white man’s land, and the introduction of savage Asiatics and Africans into Europe in war between civilised Powers is unparalleled in European history since anno domini. It is a betrayal of the white race, and an infamy pregnant with a grim and horrible danger and woe in the future.