This is a collection of links to other websites where either digital resources of copyrighted material can be found or of other cool Irish archival websites. This list is subject to provision and may be expanded on over time.
Ricorso – A bibliographical and encyclopaedic archive that contains vital information on countless Irish nationalists. Incredibly useful for academic research.
CELT – An online resource similar in format to ourselves operated by the University College Cork (UCC).
Sacred Texts – Has a collection of Irish mythological texts and folklore.
Táin Bo Cúailnge – A website which features a bilingual, plain-text version of Ireland’s national epic, Táin Bo Cúailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cooley). The Irish is taken from Ernst Windisch and the English from Joseph Dunn. To read Lucy Winifred Faraday’s translation of the Táin, it can be found on Cartlann in both PDF and plain text form here.
Irish Left Archive – An archival website focusing on documents relating to the various left-wing, republican and socialist movements throughout 20th-century Irish history. Contains some issues of An Phoblacht, the organ of Sinn Féin and the Provisional IRA and The Starry Plough, the organ of the IRSP and INLA.
CAIN – An archive of source material relating mainly to the Troubles spanning three decades.
Bobby Sands Trust – Features the collected prison writings and poetry of Bobby Sands.
Documents on Irish Foreign Policy – Contains correspondence from the Irish revolutionary period and an insight into Ireland’s historic foreign policy.
Irish Manuscripts – The official site of the Irish Manuscripts Commission.
Irish Texts Society – Official site of the Irish Texts Society, established in 1898 as a publishing house for Irish-language material, including works from Geoffrey Keating, Douglas Hyde, collections of the poetry of Gaelic Irish poets such as Dáibhí Ó Bruadair and Aogán Ó Rathaille.
Historical Irish Corpus – Contains over 3,000 texts in Irish published from 1600 to 1926. Run by the Royal Irish Academy.
Dineen’s Dictionary – Searchable index of the 1927 edition of Pádraig Ó Duinnin’s Foclóir Gaedhilge agus Béarla dictionary.