From The Sinn Féin Policy, 1905.
Executive Offices – 11 LOWER O’CONNELL ST., DUBLIN.
The object of the National Council is the re-establishment of the Independence of Ireland.
The aim of the Sinn Féin policy is to unite Ireland on this broad National platform: – 1st. That we are a distinct nation. 2nd. That we will not make any voluntary agreement with Great Britain until Great Britain keeps her own compact which she made by the Renunciation Act of 1783, which enacted ‘that the right claimed by the people of Ireland to be bound only by laws enacted by his Majesty and the Parliament of that Kingdom is hereby declared to be established, and ascertained for ever, and shall, at no time hereafter, be questioned or questionable.’ 3rd. That we are determined to make use of any powers we have, or may have at any time in the future, to work for our own advancement and for the creation of a prosperous, virile, and independent nation.
That the people of Ireland are a free people and that no law made without their authority and consent is, or ever can be, binding on their conscience.
That the General Council of County Councils presents the nucleus of a National authority, and we urge upon it to extend the scope of its deliberations and action; to take within its purview every question of national interest, and to formulate lines of procedure for the nation.
That national self-development through the recognition of the duties and rights of citizenship on the part of the individual and by the aid and support of all movements originating from within Ireland, instinct with national tradition and not looking outside Ireland for the accomplishment of their aims is vital to Ireland.
The National Council has been formed to re-establish a National Government in Ireland, and, pending its establishment advancing that object by: –
- The introduction of a Protective System for Irish Industries and Commerce by combined action of the Irish County Councils, Urban Councils, Rural Councils, Poor Law Boards, Harbour Boards, and other bodies directly responsible to the Irish people.
- The establishment and maintenance under the direction of the General Council of County Councils or other authority approved by the people of Ireland of an Irish Consular Service for the advancement of Irish Commerce and Irish interests generally.
- The re-establishment of an Irish Mercantile Marine to facilitate direct trading between Ireland and the countries of Continental Europe, America, Africa, and the Far East.
- The General Survey of Ireland and the development of its mineral resources, under the auspices of the General Council of County Councils or other national authority approved by the people of Ireland.
- The establishment of an Irish National Bank and a National Stock Exchange under charter from the General Council of County Councils.
- The creation of a National Civil Service embracing all the employees of the County Councils, Rural Councils, Poor Law Boards, Harbour Boards, and other bodies responsible to the Irish people, by the institution of a common national qualifying examination and a local competitive examination (the latter at the discretion of the local bodies).
- The establishment of National Courts of Arbitration for the speedy and satisfactory adjustment of disputes.
- The establishment of a National System of Insurance of property and individuals.
- The control and management of transit by rail, road, and water, and the control and management of waste lands for the national benefit by a national authority approved by the people of Ireland.
- The control and management of the Irish Sea Fisheries by the General Council of County Councils or other national authorities approved by the people of Ireland.
- The reform of education to render its basis national and industrial by the compulsory teaching of the Irish Language, Irish History, and Irish manufacturing and agricultural potentialities in the primary system, and, in addition, in the University system the institution of the degrees of Doctor of Agriculture and Doctor of National Economics.
- The non-consumption so far as practicable of articles paying duty to the British Exchequer.
- The withdrawal of all voluntary support to the British Armed Forces.
- The non-recognition of the British Parliament as invested with constitutional or moral authority to legislate for Ireland, and the Annual Assembly in Dublin of persons elected by the voters of the Irish cities and counties, and delegates from the county, county borough, Urban and Rural Councils, and Poor Law and Harbour Boards to devise and formulate measures for the benefit of the whole people of Ireland.
- The abolition of the Poorhouse System and the substitution in its stead of adequate outdoor relief to the aged and infirm, and the employment of the able-bodied in the reclamation of waste lands, afforestation and other National and reproductive works.