No rising column marks this spot
Where many a victim lies,
But oh! the blood which here has streamed
To heaven for justice cries.
It claims it on the oppressor’s head
Who joys in human woe,
Who drinks the tears by misery shed,
And mocks them as they flow.
It claims it on the callous judge
Whose hands in blood are dyed,
Who arms injustice with the sword,
The balance thrown aside.
It claims it for this ruined isle—
Her wretched children’s grave—
Where withered Freedom droops her head,
And man exists—a slave.
O sacred Justice! free this land
From tyranny abhorred;
Resume thy balance and thy seat,
Resume, but sheath thy sword.
No retribution should we seek—
Too long has horror reigned;
By mercy marked may freedom rise,
By cruelty unstained.
Nor shall a tyrant’s ashes mix
With those our martyred dead;
This is the place where Erin’s sons
In Erin’s cause have bled.
And those who here are laid at rest,
Oh! hallowed be each name;
Their memories are for ever blest—
Consigned to endless fame.
Unconsecrated is this ground,
Unblessed by holy hands—
No bell here tolls its solemn sound—
No monument here stands.
But here the patriot’s tears are shed,
The poor man’s blessing given—
These consecrate the virtuous dead,
These waft their way to heaven.