Cú Chulainn sent his charioteer to Rochad Mac Fatheman of Ulster, that he should come to his help. Now it happened that Findabair loved Rochad, for he was the fairest of the warriors among the Ulstermen at that time. The man goes to Rochad and told him to come to help Cú Chulainn if he had come out of his weakness; that they should deceive the host, to get at some of them to slay them. Rochad comes from the north with a hundred men.
‘Look at the plain for us today,’ said Ailill.
‘I see a troop coming over the plain,’ said the watchman, ‘and a warrior of tender years among them; the men only reach up to his shoulders.’
‘Who is it yonder, O Fergus?’ said Ailill.
‘Rochad Mac Fatheman,’ said he, ‘and it is to help Cú Chulainn he comes.’
‘I know what you had better do with him,’ said Fergus. ‘Let a hundred men go from you with the maiden yonder to the middle of the plain, and let the maiden go before them; and let a horseman go to speak to him, that he come alone to speak with the maiden, and let hands be laid on him, and this will keep off (?) the attack of his army from us.’
This is done then. Rochad goes to meet the horseman.
‘I have come from Findabair to meet you, that you come to speak with her.’
He goes then to speak with her alone. The host rushes about him from every side. He is taken, and hands are laid on him. His force breaks into flight. He is let go then, and he is bound over not to go against the host till he should come together with all Ulster. It was promised to him that Findabair should be given to him, and he returned from them then. So that that is Rochad’s Woman-fight.