Irish Fireside Story and History
The Emigrant Parting – Carthy Spauniach
The Gladstone Blackbird – Many Features of Irish Life
The Bad Times: The “Good People.” Jillen Andy: Her Coffinless Grave
The Scattering of My Family – The Phoenix Society
Doctor Jerrie Crowley, Doctor Anthony O’Ryan, Charles Kickham, The Phoenix Society
The MacManus Funeral – James Stephens and John O’Mahony visit Skibbereen – Fenianism Growing Strong
The Struggle against the Enemy
James Stephens and John O’Mahony
A Letter of much Import, Written by James Stephens, in the Year 1861
Administering Relief to Poor People – A Fight with the Landlords
John O’Donovan, LL. D., Editor of the Annals of the Four Masters.
Great-Grandfather Thomas Crimmins – His Recollections of the Men of ’98, and other Men.