Felon Office, Trinity Street.
Sir,—I understand that a warrant has been taken out against Mr. Martin on a charge of felony, founded on the publication of certain articles in the Irish Felon newspaper.
I have reason for believing that the only articles in that journal, which could be considered to afford grounds for such a charge, were none of them written by Mr. Martin, and were published in opposition to his expressed opinion.
May I have the freedom of requesting that you will have the goodness to inform me as to whether the charges against Mr. Martin will be withdrawn if the real writer should avow the authorship of those articles, and make himself legally responsible for them. If the warrant will be withdrawn, on that condition such legal avowal will be given.
It would not, I think, be altogether just to make Mr. Martin answerable for the articles which he did not write, and which were published against his wish.
Mr. Martin knows nothing of my intention to make the present communication.
I have the honour to remain,
Your obedient servant,
James F. Lalor.