On Saturday nineteen prisoners arrived here from the north in good health and spirits. When they arrived we were all locked up in our separate cells. Whilst I was looking out into the condemned yard, James Burnside, with several others, stepped into the yard, and told me who were the prisoners. Presently my door was opened by the gaoler, who brought in Mr. Kilburne and Dr. Crawford; at their backs stood a very long ugly officer, and two great gentlemen. The gaoler ordered me out, as those two prisoners were to have that room, where they have remained ever since, having every thing very comfortable, but very closely kept; however we send them, under the door, papers, &c., and get in sometimes, to chat a little with them. The other prisoners were divided into two lots; one lot has got possession of the ward where the Stag was kept; (he is gone to Down). William H. Speers, Dr. Nixon, J. Grier, W. Kane, W. Templeton, A. Clarke, H. Haffey, and J. Kennedy, are amongst these with whom we have a constant communication, as they are not locked up. I expect, in a day or two, that William Speer and Nixon will be put over to us. J. Burnside, H. McManus, R. Neilson, D. Tolan, H. Kirkwood, J. Harrison, J. Barrett, and T. Jackson, alias Dry, are confined in another ward. I have fixed a string out of D. Shannaghan’s room (where I now stay) to their ward, by which I send wine, &c., and whatever they want, across to them, J. Burnside being their agent. Hardly were they arrived, when T. Richardson came here from Newgate.”

H. J. M’C.