We continue to pass the time as pleasantly as you can imagine, considering that we think as little of the north as possible; for the comparison is nothing in favour of the capital, except Mr. Dixon and family, (who will always and in every place be remembered with veneration by us;) they are a set of gasconaders, and in every respect unlike northerns. I received a note from Henry Joy; the person you heard of having called on him was Bell Martin, who has sworn against those who were committed to Carrickfergus. Since that, I have been informed that the two men who swore against T. Richardson and myself, have been sent on board a tender. I suppose, or rather I was confidently informed, that Government despaired of their evidence being worth any thing, as they had already perjured themselves, by deserting; and no county Antrim jury would listen to them.
H. J. M’C.