- The preservation of Irish as the National language of Ireland, and the extension of its use as a spoken tongue.
- The study and publication of existing Gaelic literature, and the cultivation of a modern literature in Irish.
The means by which it is sought to achieve these objects are:—
- The establishment of branches of the League in suitable centres, especially in the Irish-speaking districts.
- The encouragement of the formation of classes for the study of Irish.
- The holding of public meetings and lectures for the purpose of stimulating and informing public opinion on behalf of the Irish language.
- To encourage the people who know Irish to speak it habitually where it is understood, and to impart the language to the young.
- To endeavour to secure that, as in Wales, the National language shall be the medium of instruction in the National Schools in those districts where it is the home language of the people, and that greater facilities than at present be afforded for its teaching in the National and Intermediate Schools in all parts of the country.
- The publication and distribution of books and pamphlets in Irish or relating thereto.
- The publication of the Gaelic Journal, a magazine devoted exclusively to the objects of the League, and issued mainly in the Irish language.
- The encouragement of Irish music and songs in Irish.
- To inform the public on questions relating to the movement by contributions to magazines and journals.
- The collection of the oral Gaelic literature, consisting of folk talks, poems, songs, proverbs, riddles, &c., still extant among the people.
- The free grant of Irish books to branches of the League that cannot easily obtain them otherwise.