Taken from Gilbert’s A Contemporary History of Ireland, 1641-1652, Book I, Part II, published 1879. Letter translated from its original Latin.

Most Reverend Father,

I have received your paternal letter, which is a testament to your zeal for our country, known by many other proofs. I wish that it were equally in your power and will to be able to benefit our country, so that your affection would correspond to your actions. Time passes by; and our afflicted country groans and grows weary, not from the labors which it is prepared to endure for the faith even until death, but from the long expectation and hope of external assistance, which it did not doubt would arrive promptly but now does not see approaching. Indeed, it did not doubt that if all Catholic princes were to deny aid in this matter, the Apostolic See, through its usual piety, would extend a helping hand where it would undertake such a difficult task for the defense of the Catholic faith and equity. For it is not ignorant that it is the duty of the Apostolic See not only to nourish the same faith as a teacher and propagator of the Christian faith, but also not to forget that the same See has given occasion for it to have power for many years in both the administration of the Church and the State; from which, whatever it may be regarding the Republic and the civil government, it sees not some support but rather the ultimate extermination of the Catholic Church daily considering and plotting. Therefore, it has its eyes fixed at all hours, awaiting the pious assistance of the Holy See, which it does not doubt will come, although groaning under such a heavy burden, it is amazed and grieved by its slowness.

I learned from the letters of Father Hugh that some pious legate or subsidy was sent to the parts of France; I would rather that it be sent to these parts where it could be better expended for the common good of the country. For this similar task could be entrusted to Father Hugh himself, as the superintendent, who would not allow it to be expended otherwise than for what would benefit the common good and what those contributing to the subsidy would want. But I entrust this and what I have hitherto expressed to your zeal and prudence, from which I expect nothing else in such matters than what you will judge expedient for the common good of our country and the promotion of the glory of God. Meanwhile, I recommend myself and the almost dearer state of my country, afflicted as it is, to your prayers and other acts of piety.

Of your Most Reverend Paternity the most ready servant for obedience, given in Brussels, this 18th of May, 1642. Don Eug: Oneill.

Endorsed: To the Most Reverend Father Brother Luke Wadding, Seraphic Order Father and General Chronographer, Qualifier of the Holy Inquisition, Guardian of the Convent of the Strict Observance of the Friars Minor, etc. at St. Isidore’s, Rome.