From Douglas Hyde’s inauguration as President of Ireland, 26th June 1938, held at Dublin Castle.

A Ṫaoisiġ Onóraiġ, tá mé lánḃuíoċ díot ar son na ḃfocal deas, cineálta do laḃair tú liom anois – rudaí deasa nár ṫuill mise. Aċ, iarraim ar Ḋia – iarraim ar Ḋia grásta agus cúnaṁ do ṫaḃairt dom go gcuirfiḋ mé gaċ rud ar aġaiḋ ċun leasa na hÉireann, le cúnaṁ Dé. Agus iarraim ar Ḋia ciall agus críonnaċt a ṫaḃairt dom agus leas a ṫaḃairt dom go gcoṁlíonfaiḋ mé mo ḋualgais mar Uaċtarán na hÉireann.

[Honourable Taoiseach, I am most appreciative of the kind and considerate words you spoke of me just now – gracious words which I am undeserving of. But, I ask God – I ask God to provide me with grace and assistance, so I can proceed with everything to the benefit of Ireland, hopefully. And I ask of God to provide me with sense and wisdom and to give me the advantage so I can fulfil my duties as the President of Ireland.]