Musglóchamaoid cogadh na Saoirseacht’ arís,
‘Oir sgriostar an tír go ro-dhona,
Thabhair póg uait do d’ mhnaoi a’s do d’ pháisde anois,
Agus fáisg ann do láimh-se do ghunna.
Tá an cogadh so naomh, agus lean do go bráth,
Na tréig sinn, a Thighearna na m-buadh!
Is ró-fhada támaoid ag trácht ar an n-Grádh
Agus casfamaoid feasta ar an bh-Fuath!
Tá cnámha na n-daoine dá m-bánughadh gan uaigh
Ann a g-cárnánaibh, thimchioll na tíre,
Agus iad tá beó, tá a g-cás-san chomh cruaidh
Go m-b’fhearr dóibh bheith marbh dá-ríribh.
Ní iompóchaidh an chaint uainn aon sgrios ná aon chrádh,
(Ní’l trócaire ionnta ná truagh)
Is ró-fhada támaoid ag trach tar an n-Grádh
Agus casfamaoid feast’ ar an bh-Fuath.
O! Casfamaoid feast’ ar an iarann geur,
Fág bladar a’s cainteoiridh ramhra,
Ní bhristear le bladar aon t-slabhra faoi’n spéir,
‘Sé an trom-bhuille bhriseas an slabhra.
Tá naoimh agus fáidhe le fada ‘ga rádh
Fág liondubh a’s ceasacht a’s cumha,
Oir is ró-fhada tamaoid ag trach tar an n-Grádh
A’s go g-casamaois feast’ ar an bh-Fuath.
A cháirde ní bh-fad uainn an uair anois,
Agus bígidh go meisneamhail láidir,
Ná meas go bh-fulóngamaoid feasta faoi sgrios,
Acht déanfamaoid sgrios ar an námhaid.
Ní bh-fad uainn an uair, ní fh-fad uainn an la,
Ná tréig sinn, a Thighearna na m-buadh,
‘Oir is ró fhada támaoid ag taobh leis an n-Grádh,
Agus caithfimid triall ar an bh-Fuath!
We shall revive the fight for freedom again,
For the country is fearfully ravaged,
Give a kiss to your wife and a kiss to your child,
And firmly grasp your gun in your hand.
This fight is holy, and never give it up,
Don’t desert us, O God of Victory!
Too long, indeed, we’ve been talking of Love,
And henceforth we’ll return to Hatred.
The bones of the people lie whitening without a grave,
In great heaps throughout the country;
And they who are alive, their condition is so miserable
That it would be better if they were really dead.
Talk won’t turn ruin or sorrow from us
(There’s neither mercy nor pity in them),
Too long, indeed, we’ve been talking of Love,
And henceforth we’ll return to Hatred.
O! henceforth we’ll return to the pointed iron,
Leave babbling and speeching behind us;
For babbling ne’er sunders the links of a chain,
‘Tis the strong blow alone that destroys them.
The saints and the seers have for ages advised;
Stop grieving and grumbling and mourning,
Too long, indeed, we’ve been talking of Love,
And henceforth we’ll return to Hatred.
O, friends, the bright hour is not far from us now;
And be ye both strong and courageous;
No longer like slaves we’ll be scourged through the land,
But up! We’ll make war on our foemen.
The hour is approaching, the day-dawn is near,
Forsake us not, Lord, we implore Thee,
For long, yes too long, we’ve been talking of Love,
And we now must exchange it for Hatred.