Douglas Hyde

Douglas Hyde (1860-1949), known affectionately in Irish as An Craoibhín Aoibhinn (the pleasant little branch) was an academic and scholar who founded the Gaelic League with Eoin MacNeill in 1893, which sought the preservation of the Irish language, literature and culture. Although the Gaelic League would become an immensely influential organisation to a generation of Irish nationalists, Hyde himself remained strictly apolitical in his aims. From 1938 to 1945, he served as the first President of Ireland. His 1892 lecture, The Necessity For De-Anglicising Ireland is arguably one of the most important works in Irish history.


A Collection of Irish Gaelic Folk Stories

Filleadh na Taoidhe (1880)

A Plea For The Irish Language (1886)

The Death Lament of John O’Mahony (1887)

The Necessity For De-Anglicising Ireland (1892)

Cuig’ Uladh (1896)

An Croppy, Cead Bliadhain O Shoin (1898)

Beatha (1898)

Litir Ċuig Craoḃ de Ċonraḋ na Gaeilge i gCeallaiḃ Beaga (1898)

What Ireland Is Asking For (1901)

Dr Douglas Hyde’s Greeting to the Gaels of America (1905)

Address in Carnegie Hall, New York (1905)

Address in San Francisco (1906)

An Craoibhin’s Farewell to America (1906)

The Development of the Irish Poet (1907)

Seachtmhain na Gaedhilge Address (1907)

The New National University in Ireland and the Irish Language (1909)

Lecture at St. Enda’s College (1909)

An Answer (1913)

Address to the Ard-Chraobh Inaugural Meeting (1911)

Filleaḋ na Féinne / The Return of the Fenians (1914)

The Position of the Gaelic League (1914)

Litir an Ċraoiḃín ar Éiriġ as an Uaċtaránaċt dó (1915)

The Irish Language Movement: Some Reminiscences (1923)

Cóṁairle ‘An Ċraoiḃín’ do Luċt Ceapṫa Drámaí do Ḋaoine Óga (1938)