From The United Irishman, October 6, 1900.
A meeting of representatives of Irish National societies was held at the rooms of the Celtic Literary Society, Dublin, on Sunday last. Mr. James F. Egan presided, and there were also present delegates from the Young Ireland Society, Cork; Irish National Club, Manchester; Major MacBride Athletic and Literary Club, Michael Dwyer National Club, Robert Emmet ’98 Club, Dublin; Tullamore Celtic Literary Society, the Celtic Literary Society, Dublin; the Irish Transvaal Committee, &c.
Letters of apology for non-attendance and communications expressing general concurrence with the objects of the meeting were received from: – Young Ireland Society, Mountmellick; ’98 Club, Glenmornan, Co. Tyrone; Oliver Bond ’98 Club, Dublin; Young Ireland Society, Limerick; the Robert Emmet Club, Belfast, and the National Society, Liverpool.
The meeting had under consideration the advisability of uniting the existing National societies under one central organisation, and for this purpose the constitution and rules of the ‘Cumann na nGaedheal’ were submitted to and adopted by the meeting. It was decided to hold a convention in Dublin for the election of the council and officers and a provisional committee was appointed to arrange the details. The object of the ‘Cumann na nGaedheal’ is: –
To advance the cause of Ireland’s National Independence by: –
- Cultivating a fraternal spirit amongst Irishmen.
- Diffusing knowledge of Ireland’s resources and supporting Irish industries.
- The study and teaching of Irish history, literature, language, music, and art.
- The assidnous cultivation and encouragement of Irish National games, pastimes, and characteristics.
- The discountenancing of everything tending towards the Anglicisation of Ireland.
- The physical and intellectual training of the young.
- The development of an Irish foreign policy.
- Extending to each other friendly advice and aid, socially and politically.
- The Nationalising of public Boards.
Membership of the organisation and its branches shall be open to all persons of Irish birth or descent undertaking to obey its rules, carry out its constitution, and pledging themselves to aid to the best of their ability in restoring Ireland to her former position of Sovereign Independence.
Any existing body accepting the constitution and rules of the organisation shall be eligible for affiliation as a branch. No such body need necessarily change its existing title, but shall in addition add the words, ‘Cumann na nGaedheal Branch.’
The Provisional Committee will meet weekly, and all communications from persons and societies should be addressed Hon. Secretaries, Cumann na nGaedheal, 32 Lower Abbey-street, Dublin.